World Book Day 2023

We have lots of in-school fun planned for World Book Day this year, including a literary quiz. Students in years 5-7 are also invited to dress up on the day as a word of their choice e.g. regal, triumphant, sporty, sleepy.  It is hoped that the theme of a particular word will encourage students to …

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South Avenue Valentines Disco

Disco for years 5-7 to be held at South Avenue Monday February 13th, times and other details to follow.

Amble Youth Project & JCSC Half Term Club for Y5-8 (with Year 6 SATs study skills)

Students in years 5-8 are invited to join Amble Youth Project and JCSC a 3 day event this February half term (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)- places are limited. If you have a child in year 6, the day will start at 9 am with a study skills session. All other year groups arrive at 10.45 am. …

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Year 4 Welcome to JCSC Event

south avenue, amble

An opportunity for children parents and carers to ask questions to ask about our curriculum, extracurricular opportunities, support, our new school and the interim arrangements until the school is finished. We will hold a presentation event on  Monday 6th March at 6pm at JCSC South Avenue site so we can give you a little more …

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Year 5 Belfast Trip

Year 5 students who are taking part in the Belfast trip will head off on an three-day educational cultural trip, with an itinerary that includes: Visit to the world heritage site Giants Causeway Visit to the Titanic Museum Visit to the Ulster Museum Visit to Botanical Gardens

Careers Fair 2023

Our in-school Careers Fair on Wednesday May 24th is an opportunity for students to explore potential career pathways and hear about training, apprenticeship, work experience and job opportunities. We're looking for businesses, training and further education partners to help us deliver an inspiring and education event for students aged 12-18. Are you a business, training …

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Red Nose Day 2023

In support of Red Nose Day 2023 on Friday 17th March, we are inviting our students at both South Avenue & Acklington Road to come to school wearing a red item clothing with their uniform. For this, our students may wish to make a voluntary donation of £1. Students’ chosen item of red clothing must be appropriate and suitable for …

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