Year 7 Parents Evening

A chance for parents/carers and teachers to discuss student progress, achievement and goals. Further details and times of the event to follow.

Year 8 Parents Evening

A chance for parents and carers of Year 8 students to discuss their progress, targets and goals with teaching staff. Further details and times to be confirmed in advance of the event.

Coronation Bake Off

We are hosting a bake off to mark the Coronation of King Charles on Friday 5th May. Years 5,6 and 7 are invited to bake a cake, that will be judged and then sold. The money raised will be used to buy a tree from Woodland Trust to celebrate.

Year 6 Dukeshouse Wood Trip – Parent Meeting

A meeting at Acklington Road High School Site. This meeting will inform you of the arrangements for the trip, provide you with a kit list and collect any outstanding consents. You will also have the opportunity to discuss with the staff who will be attending any concerns that you may have, or ask any questions.

Year 6 Dukeshouse Wood Trip

Two-night residential trip to Dukeshouse Wood near Hexham. Students will be given the opportunity to participate in a range of adventurous activities in their 18-acre adventure park including abseiling, zip wire, 3G swing, plus motor sports. There is also an activity barn for indoor climbing, problem solving initiatives and a laser zone.

JCSC Careers Fair

James Calvert Spence College's annual Careers Fair for Years 8 to 13. Where organisations inspire our students to Aim High with their ambitions and help shape their education and career plans.

Cake Sale, Raffle and Tombola

We are having a cake sale, raffle and tombola on Thursday 25th May in the DT social area for break time and lunch. The money raised is going to our Year 11 prom to make it a magical night! Any donations are welcome and greatly appreciated.

Meet the Form Tutor Transition Evening

This is an event to welcome our next cohort of JCSC students into the school for a transition evening at our Acklington Road site. They will have the chance to meet their new form teacher at this event.

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