As a school community, we are deeply saddened by the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Today, we held special assemblies at South Avenue and Acklington Road to celebrate the dignity, respect and tolerance the Queen always showed. We also remembered her devotion to our country and her family.

At South Avenue, Mrs Johnson delivered an in-person assembly to talk to our younger pupils. She spoke about how yesterday, and today, were days students will likely remember for the rest of their lives. She also spoke about the Queen’s life and how in her 70 years of service she demonstrated our own guiding principles of be kind, work hard and aim high.

Understandably, there was sadness and some questions surrounding the Queen’s passing and what will happen next. We will update parents and carers should the school be closed for the Queen’s funeral as this has yet to be confirmed by the Department of Education. However, we expect school to remain open during the period of national mourning.

We invite you to share in the assembly delivered by Mr Nisbet to our Acklington Road students and staff today by listening to the audio from our assembly.

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